Emma Woods, a pseudonym, considers herself a lifelong experiencer of paranormal phenomena. She first spoke with self-described alien abduction researcher David Jacobs in 2002. By 2007, Emma discontinued the interactions. What took place during the five year span has been documented as unethical, abusive, and extremely suspect behavior on behalf of David Jacobs under the guise of scientific investigation.
This special collection consists of materials donated by Emma Woods which she compiled over the course of several years of research. The material reflects circumstances surrounding her descent into the UFO subculture.
Learn more about Emma Woods at her website, Emma Woods Books.
Erica Lukes and Jack Brewer had a discussion with Emma Woods on YouTube in September 2022. Please be advised it contains mature subject matter and, like many of the materials that populate this collection, should be viewed with discretion. The 2022 discussion:
Sperm Collection Procedure
During the hours of March 19 and 20, 2005, David Jacobs conducted one of many long distance telephone hypnosis sessions with Emma Woods. The session went on for nearly four hours and included a segment in which Jacobs led Emma through envisioning what he described as her participation with various beings in what he termed a sperm collection procedure. A 22-minute mp3 excerpt of the recording, along with a pdf transcript prepared by Emma, may be accessed in the following folder:
Hopkins & Jacobs Presentation at 2006 IUFOC
Emma provided Expanding Frontiers Research with a variety of materials pertaining to the 15th International UFO Congress conducted in 2006. The files include various advertisements, descriptions of proceedings, and video clips of a presentation conducted by David Jacobs and Budd Hopkins. Emma offered the following pdf to summarize the contents and offer some context of the several files:
View and download a folder containing the several files described:
15th UFO Congress 2006 Hopkins Jacobs
Peter Brookesmith, Gary Haden and Fortean Times
Writers Peter Brookesmith and Gary Haden, respectively, explored the topic of alleged alien abduction and specifically the Emma Woods case. Their work was published on blogs and in mediums such as Fortean Times. Learn more, including quotes from the work of Brookesmith and Haden, as well as relevant links, in the pdf below, prepared by Emma Woods:
Archive - Fortean Times - Copy
Paratopia Magazine
In 2011, Jeff Ritzmann and Jeremy Vaeni published a magazine bearing the same name as their popular podcast, Paratopia. The 40-page magazine offered some essential articles for more accurately understanding what was framed as the creation of the dubious cottage industry of alleged alien abduction. This was no small occurrence, as those sounding the alarms were not the more stereotypical skeptics, but people who identified as experiencers of strange phenomena along with those who were empathetic of the possibilities.
Paratopia Magazine included Carol Rainey's groundbreaking The Priests of High Strangeness: Co-Creation of the "Alien Abduction Phenomenon". The must-read article presented her firsthand accounts of the extremely questionable behavior of self-described investigators Budd Hopkins and David Jacobs, as well as some of the people the two alleged were alien abductees.
Also included were articles from Tyler A. Kokjohn, PhD, and Emma Woods, among others. Additionally, the magazine carried an open letter from Debbie Jordan-Kauble, better known as "Kathy Davis," a pseudonym assigned to her by Hopkins. His book Intruders: The Incredible Visitations at Copley Woods consisted of his descriptions of events in the life of her and her family. Jordan-Kauble strongly challenged those descriptions.
"Perhaps you better remember me as that chick who claimed aliens stole her baby?" she wrote. "Well I'm here to bury that myth."
"If anyone took the time to read both [my] books, actually read them," Jordan-Kauble further wrote, "they would note that in neither book did I ever claim that aliens from another planet abducted me or that aliens stole my baby. This has been a bone of contention for me for the last 27 years and this is part of the reason why I chose to begin talking about it and, finally, to stop talking about it. I figured if I closed my mouth people would stop putting words in it that weren't mine."
A folder containing a pdf of the original magazine and a pdf composed by Emma Woods about the articles therein:
Jack Brewer Books
Emma Woods composed a pdf consisting of select passages pertaining to her case and taken from Jack Brewer's nonfiction book The Greys Have Been Framed. The pdf also includes reviews she wrote of Brewer's two books:
"People are entitled to believe as they choose, but they are not entitled to do so and label it science," Brewer wrote. "Neither are they entitled to harm others in the process."

Glimpses of Magonia
Emma Woods published a book in 2022, Glimpses of Magonia: A Memoir of My Anomalous Experiences. It focuses upon her personal experiences and related interpretations.
The folder linked below contains numerous images, audio recordings, and video clips related to points considered in her book. The folder also has a pdf she composed to provide context and summaries of the accompanying material.

Strange Arrivals Podcasts
In 2023, Toby Ball did a three-part series of shows pertaining to the Emma Woods case on his well-produced podcast. Access the episodes and listen to the thorough and informative series at the following folder:
Strange Arrivals: The Case of Emma Woods
Extra Sensory Perception
Emma provided two pdfs and several images related to documenting her efforts to develop skills of ESP and Remote Viewing. A folder containing the pdfs and images:
Emma similarly provided material pertaining to potential premonitions: