FOX 13 Covers Uintah County Dubious PhenomeCon Expenses
Salt Lake FOX affiliate highlights EFR investigation of questionable use of tax funds

Salt Lake City FOX 13 investigative reporter Nate Carlisle delved into the Uintah County use of tax funds to underwrite PhenomeCon, a paranormal-themed annual conference held in Vernal, Utah. The Feb. 12 article and accompanying video describe how Expanding Frontiers Research initially obtained public records that show the County paid tens of thousands of dollars to speakers at the event. Many of those speakers are associated with Skinwalker Ranch. Further research conducted and reported by EFR demonstrated cast members of the cable television show The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch collectively secured over $175k in economic development consulting fees from three Utah counties in addition to payments disbursed for PhenomeCon.