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John Tenney

Writer, musician, artist & podcaster

John Tenney

John E.L. Tenney has been actively involved in paranormal, anomalistic and conspiratorial research for most of his life. His columns, spanning the fields of UFOlogy and hauntings to conspiracy theories and cryptozoology, have been printed in magazines and newspapers world-wide. He has been interviewed extensively, and his signature "Weird Lectures" series is estimated to have been attended by over 100,000 people.

"Tenney," as he is widely known, has consulted on productions from NBC to The New York Times and many outlets in between. His many talents include art & music, and his “Realm of the Weird” was awarded Best Podcast in Michigan by Real Detroit Weekly. Lately, John may be found chatting with Jessica Knapik on the popular “What's Up Weirdo?” podcast.

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